اهم الخدمات التي يقدمها الطبيب
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السيرة الذاتية للطبيب
Youssef Tala
Experience 21 years with Hair Implant in Turkey
Turkish Staff
Experience 21 years with Hair Implant in Turkey
Specialized in:
- Hair transplantation.
- Beard transplantation.
- Mustache transplantation.
- Eyebrow transplantation.
- Hair transplantation in women.
- Hair transplantation in wounds and burns.
- Autologous micro graft system.
- Sapphire FUE plus system.
- DHI – CHOI pencil system.
- Red light Hair laser system.
- PRP plasma and Mesotherapy treatment.
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الجوائز التي حاز عليها الطبيب
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